
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Some Kinds of Cheeses That Are Well Known in China

There are hundreds of kinds of cheeses in the world. However, most of Chinese people are not familiar with this kind of food. Only a few kinds of cheeses are well known among Chinese people.

Le Brie
Le Brie
Le Brie is originated from French and is one of the most representative rip cheeses. In addition, this kind of cheese can be eaten directly. Based on the making process, Le Brie can be divided into different categories.

Just as the name implies, this kind of cheese is made from goat milk, which has a different fragrance from the milk cheese. Chevret has a strong mouth feel and has the taste of kernel. This kind of cheese is often eaten with other foods together.
Blue cheese

Blue cheese
This kind of cheese is also originated from French. Its tactile sensation is soft or like soft cream. Blue cheese is a special cheese in the French cheese family, which can give off special scent. The mouth feel is refreshing and has many other features. Blue cheese can be eaten with bread and be made into snacks. It is also can be used as the material of sauce and can be add into the salad.

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